Current URCF Projects


The following table contains links to the Individual Projects Information:

Advanced Robotic Simulations for Precision CubeSat Deployment and Payload HandoverCFD Modeling of Multiphase FlowDecreasing the Incidence of Intraventricular Hemorrhage on Neonatal Populations by Mitigating the Vibrations and Noise Levels Experienced During Transport
Deep Learning Radio Fingerprinting in Wireless NetworksDeep-Learning Side Channel AttacksDeveloping a Biosolids Risk Assessment
Developing Robotic Systems for Spacecraft Control and TestingEfficient visual sensing under different lighting conditions for robotic applicationsImitation learning for robotic grasping
Methods for Preserving Macronutrient Content of Expressed Human BreastmilkMyA: Multi-Biometric Vest for People Living with Angelman SyndromeNeoWarm: Kangaroo Mother Care with Integrated Thermal Management and Vital Signs Monitoring
Predicting the Phase Behavior of Fe-Ni-P Rare-Earth Free Permanent MagnetsProject Description: Machine Learning-Driven Optimization of Heating and Cooling Systems for Energy EfficiencySecure Coding against Hardware Attacks
Smart Helmets for Detecting and Preventing ConcussionsSpatial Training in Education: Spatial Tasks and Assessments Research (STAR)Water quality characterization of surface water and semiconductor fab wastewater

Note - "Some projects are multi-disciplinary; a project in one area may be of interest to students from another major. Be sure to look at the projects in related areas to widen your choices."

Contact: Dr. Gautam Pillay, Ph.D.,
Associate Dean for Research
College of Engineering & Applied Science (Email: pillaygm@ucmail.uc.edu)